1. General information:

  • The website https://www.vouchersdepot.com/ ("Website") belongs to and is operated by Vouchers Depot SRL, a legal person, with the registered office at Bucuresti, Str. Siriului 42-46, Et. 3, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/17010/2022, Fiscal Registration no.RO46745101, phone, fax number, e-mail address helpdesk@vouchersdepot.com, postal address Str. Siriului , no. 42-46, et. 3, Sector 1, Bucharest (" The Seller "). To avoid any CONTRARY INTERPRETATION, whatever and all obligations arising from consumer protection legislation are assumed by Seller.
  • This document establishes the terms and conditions of purchase of the vouchers and services marketed through the Website (called “Terms and Conditions”).
  • The seller reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time. All these changes will take effect only for the new orders that were made on this website, after publishing these changes. That’s why we recommend verifying Terms and conditions before you place a new order because it could appear new changes from your last order.

2. Placing orders:

  • Both individuals and legal entities can place orders on the Website.
  • For placing an order, you must register on the Website, following these steps:
    • visit the website and press the "Register" button.
    • for individuals, please complete all the info required into the form: first name, last name, email address (which is needed for sending the fiscal invoice), and for legal entities you must complete in addition: company name and tax number.
    • read Terms and Conditions of Sale as well as Terms and conditions of using the Website, confirm reading and accepting them, by checking the appropriate two boxes, only after reading these two documents.
    • press the" Register" button.
    • for validation, access the link you received on your email address that you used when you create your account.
  • To login to the Website, after the making the account, you must use the email address used to create the account and set the password.
  • It's your responsibility to make sure that no one else will log in to your account.
  • If you suspect that another person accessed your account abusively, you have to inform the seller, through the contact details on the Website, regarding the suspicion of abuse. In case of loss because of failure to report in time or late informing the Website about the problem appeared, you will be responsible accordingly.

3. Concluding a distance contract:

As a result of placement an order through the Website, you will receive automatically an email confirmation from the seller. When the order confirmation is TRANSMITED, between you and the Seller ends a distance contract for purchase those vouchers that are included in your order.

4. Payment methods:

  • The prices of the vouchers, from this Website, must be paid online, at the moment of placing the order, using the payment solution offered by a third party authorised partner. This is the only way that we accept the payment.
  • The online payment of vouchers is fully secured when using a bank card.
  • The transactions are performed in the RON or EUR. In case the gift cards ordered currency is different than RON or EUR,  the face value will be calculated in RON and exchange rate will be calculate BNR (www.bnro.ro) bank exchange rate + 5%. The seller does not request and does not store details regarding your card.
  • The Seller may cancel any order placed by the Client, after notifying the client, without any obligation of one party to the other, or without the possibility that any part to pretend to the other damages, in the following cases:
    • the issuing bank does not accept the customer's card.
    • the card processor approved by the seller invalidates the transaction.
    • the data provided by the customer, in the order form, are incomplete and/ or incorrect.

5. Vouchers:

  • You can purchase maximum 10 vouchers, from the same brand to one iteration (add to basket), regardless of price of the voucher. The vouchers displayed at some point on the site are indicative, not binding, and can be modified at any time. So, the offer published on the site, including the availability of the vouchers has indicative character and cannot be considered as an irrevocable sale offer.
  • Please take into consideration that the photos/ images on the Website have only illustrative/ indicative role. For a clear and complete description of the vouchers and details included, please read carefully the description of them.
  • The vouchers are grated within the available stock, in the order in which they were placed.
  • In all cases, the orders launched by the Client, through his customer account from the Website, will be checked and confirmed in terms of availability of the ordered vouchers, by a representative of the Seller. Usually, these operations last 1-2 working days.
  • The messages sent automatically by the system do not confirm the existence of the voucher in stock and do not represent the conclusion of the sales contract. The orders will be accepted and honored only after checking the seller's stock or after the confirmation of the supplier regarding the availability of the voucher in stock.
  • The sales contract will be considered valid and concluded only after the Seller sends by e-mail the confirmation of the order. The contract is considered concluded in a simplified form between the parties, based on the order sent by the Client by email and its confirmation by the Seller, with the application of these Terms and Conditions which are an integral part of the contract.
  • The Client has the obligation to carefully check all the information from the order confirmation email and to notify the Seller immediately of any errors. The seller will not be held responsible for delays or additional costs caused by communication errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion of email files, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, regardless of their cause (i.e., force majeure, communication errors, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to databases, systems or services owned by Seller or Buyer).

6. Delivery vouchers:

  • The voucher will be delivered free of charge, regardless of its value, to the email address you provided.
  • Delivery will be made within a maximum of 30 (thirty) working days from placing the order.
  • The Seller does not assume any obligation or liability if the delivery cannot be made for reasons attributable to the Client (e.g., erroneous delivery information, problems with the recipient's email box or if the recipient cannot be contacted at the data provided by the customer). The reshipment of the order in question can be redirected at a cost of 10 Euro, to a new email address with delivery within 5 days. An order in such a situation cannot be considered undelivered.
  • We undertake to provide as soon as possible the details regarding the status of delivery to our customers when requested, by telephone or in writing, using the contact details published on the Seller's website, and to do everything possible to facilitate the delivery of orders.
  • The risk of losing the voucher is transferred to the Client when it is sent to him by email.

7. Right of withdrawal from the distance contract:

The right of withdrawal is not guaranteed in the case of vouchers, coupons, or discounts obtained through the Platform. These benefits are not reversible.


8. Complaints procedure:

If you encounter any difficulties on the Website or have any other complaints regarding our vouchers you can contact us by e-mail at support@vouchersdepot.com. We will get back to you with a response within a maximum of 30 calendar days.


9. Processing of personal data:

The Seller processes your personal data to register and honor the orders placed by you on the Website, in accordance with the Information Note on data processing, available at this link: https://vouchersdepot.com/page/privacy


10. KYC (Know your customer)

KYC means Know your customer and is a standard financial practice adopted globally to verify the identity of clients when opening an account in an online platform and periodically over time, during the platform utilization.


KYC purpose is maintaining the integrity of the company’ systems by preventing identity theft, financial fraud, and illegal activities like money laundering and terrorist financing, under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.

KYC involves obtaining information such as identification data and providing proof of identity.

To help keep you safe and secure, we’ll reach out from time to time to confirm your personal and/or business details.

We ask this information to ensure that the information assigned to your platform account is correct and up to date. This helps us identify and stop any unusual activity that may occur on your account as soon as possible. 

Even if your details haven’t changed, it's important to confirm them by the time we ask you to, otherwise we may need to restrict access to your platform account until you do confirm them.

You can confirm your details securely in the special page dedicated for Know your customer and it only takes a few minutes. You may also need to provide ID to re-verify your identity, so please have couple of the following handy:

  • National ID card or Passport
  • A photo with a paper with the name Vouchers Depot and the present date written on it
  • A photograph of you holding the card - with the card data partially covered - so that it can be validated that the person appearing in the identity document is the same as the one in the photo, respectively that the name on the card is the same as the name in the identity document. The card data must be covered so that only the first 6 and last 4 digits on the card are visible.

Our system can verify the requested identity documents within 1 – 5 working days. During this time, the software processes the information, verifies its authenticity and returns a status to you.

The collected data can be kept for a maximum of 5 years, according to Directive (EU) 2018/243 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering or terrorist financing, in compliance with the internal procedures regarding data retention, including the applicable archiving rules.


11. Applicable law:

The use of the Website, the transmission of orders, and the conclusion of distance contracts through the Website are governed by Romanian law.